The world of technology, process, and communication has become more complex, service management has evolved from taking and routing tickets to coordinate enterprise resources to deliver the new normal.
Poor service delivery due to lack of well-defined SLAs and loosely coupled or siloed processes impact the efficiency of the overall ecosystem. Failure to adapt to the latest technology trends such as AI and Automation becomes a barrier to workforce productivity. DRYiCE Software (DRYiCE) is the solution to eliminate such issue and to cater the evolving need of changing technologies.
DRYiCE is proud to be the Platinum level sponsor at the Ivanti Solutions Summit, 2021. Tune in to listen to our speaker to learn how DRYiCE can facilitate a digital journey for your enterprise by integrating IT and business into a single view. We will be showcasing our premium products at this conference DRYiCE Lucy and DRYiCE Gold BluePrint
DRYiCE Lucy:
An AI-powered cognitive virtual assistant that automates industry-wide use cases through smart conversations by leveraging enterprise-grade Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning.
Lucy empowers users to resolve their issues in their own time. While Improving SLA adherence Lucy as a cognitive virtual assistant can reduce the risk of SLA breaches while delivering 30% in first call-resolution and improving customer satisfaction score up to 98%.
DRYiCE Gold BluePrint:
The ecosystem of HCL best practices, involving a group of service management processes and a state-of-the-art operating environment. Gold BluePrint offers a superior user experience and interlinked well deployed processes to manage enterprise IT services thereby empowering executives in making informed decisions.
One of our retail clients, who chose to implement GBP have achieved 30% reduction in ticket volume with streamlined knowledge management and problem management module.