HCL BigFix AEX v1.2



Product Name HCL BigFix AEX
Version Number 1.2
Release Month June , 2022
Release Period (if release was phased) October-May
Release Summary

We are constantly working to improve your experience with HCL BigFix AEX. This release puts employee experience in the forefront and introduces multiple value driving capabilities. Here’s a summary of what has changed in the last quarter:

What’s new?
  • Automated software installation with Bigfix adapter: End users can now request and install entitled softwares at their endpoint without any human intervention. Users can simply place the request through the AEX application, and the software will be automatically pushed to the endpoint using Bigfix.
  • Advanced Reporting: Comprehensive reporting capabilities have been introduced to view and assess, the product adoption and automation impact in the customer environment. These reports will also act as reference to get deeper insights into real user requirements and create more value driving use cases.
  • Unified Administrator Portal: Unified administrator portal has been developed to manage backend configuration from one single console. This simplifies and quickens the process of functionality deployment and maintenance as service providers are not required to navigate through multiple interfaces.
  • New User Interface: The end user experience on AEX has been completely revamped in the latest release to engage users more effectively with its aesthetic design. The new interface is intuitive, easy to navigate and offers various personalization features.
  • Attachment capability: Attachment capability has been enabled that allows for transfer of different file types from user to live agent. This feature will enable users to share detailed information about the issue which will assist in rapid root cause identification.
  • Assignement of waiting number to queued users: This feature will allocate a waiting number to the users when they initiate request for live chat transfer. This will give end users a clear visibility of the time they will be required to wait before they can connect with the agent.
  • Additional OOB automation scripts: We have increased the list of automation use cases by 20 in order to enable customers to choose the relevant use case for their environment and facilitate faster deployment of AEX in customer environment.
  • Synthetic Monitoring: Synthetic monitoring has been enabled for AEX instances to baseline application's performance, identify areas of improvement and develop performance improvement strategies.
About AEX

HCL BigFix AEX is an end-to-end digital workplace solution that transforms employee experience and fosters productivity while optimizing costs through AI, automation, and self-help capabilities. With AEX, enterprises can build positive digital employee experience that improves job satisfaction, retention, and bottom line.

Product Feedback

Have a suggestion for how we can improve this product? Please share direct feedback with the product team on dryiceaex_pmg@hcl.com


For product-related inquiries, please reach us at support.dryice.ai@hcl.com