DRYiCE iControl2.3



Product Name DRYiCE iControl
Version Number 2.3
Release Month October , 2022
Release Size (KB/MB/GB) 7.5 MB
Release Summary

The iControl product provides business context to operational events by linking applications, business units, and products to a business process flow delivering products or services to an endpoint. It resolves the challenges with data sanity/accuracy to enhance the performance observability and add predictive analytics through machine learning and a growing list of dashboard widgets. The following document details changes within the release (version above). There are a number of new features in this release as documented below. These release notes relate to version 2.3.0 which had over 220 development tasks icluded within the release. This release is largely a technical release to update the underlying 3 rd party component libraries and to make the iControl product available through the Google Cloud Platform.

iControl on the Google Cloud Platform

There are now two different versions of the iControl Target Performance Management system, iControl Splunk which is an application that is installed on the Splunk host, and iControl Standalone which runs as an independent application that runs all by itself and does not require a host.

  • The iControl application is available as a Splunk application and can be installed on either Splunk
    Enterprise or Splunk Cloud.
  • The iControl application is also now available on the Google Platform employing the same user interface
    and features as the other implementations
  • iControl "Standalone" runs within the GKE (Kubernetes Engine within Google Cloud Platform).
Settings Administration

As a Standalone application, iControl now has a user interface to manage settings and settings relating to connectivity and environmental configuration.

  • Access to configuration now through the iControl UI, including the ability to configure Domain Packs,
    Tiimezone and other instance specific settings.
  • Through the settings it is also possible to enable or disable instance specific features such as dependency
    alerts and whether ‘Undecided’ Cut-off Target types are reported as a component of performance.
Other Fixes & Improvements
  • Fixed historical widget, was missing week one when three months history selected (BACKEND-2022).
  • Fixed misleading dashboard timezone text (WEB-2762).
  • Fixed Target create issue relating to custom dimensions containing no values (WEB-2900).
  • Fixed issue with end-of-day processing for uptime Targets (BACKEND-1828).
  • Removed EventTypes contents and APIs from Splunk implementation (WEB-2910).
  • Fixed issue where user was unable to view Aggregated Target type widgets in full screen mode (WEB-2929).
  • Fixed issue where health data was not displaying on request, only when page revisited (WEB-2951).
  • Fixed issue where Parent Flow was displaying Breached status for the whole day and not updating when Child Flow Not Breached (WEB-2954).
  • Improved validation for cut-off Targets on threshold page rather than only on save (WEB-2894).
  • Fixed issue where user was unable to drilldown on Aggregated Widgets (WEB-2948).
  • Fixed issue causing Target Performance event processing to fail when a Target was deleted whilst open (BACKEND-2146).
  • Fixed issue where user was unable to view Aggregated health score even though user had the role of viewer/operator/owner of the Target (BACKEND-2175).
  • Fixed issue where Aggregated health values visible on the large size Aggregated widgets were not being displayed on the regular size widgets (WEB-2916).
  • Fixed issue, user unable to view Duration Target types within the Enterprise Widget (WEB-2864).
  • Fixed issue where user was unable to explicitly filter by all child values without the parent value also being included in the filtered results (WEB-907).
  • Common and Unassigned Targets selecting the wrong results in the Target drilldown (WEB-2965).
  • Fixed issue where the Performance window close ‘x’ button was obscured by long titles (WEB-2834).
  • Fixed issue where Unassigned Target pop-up not being displayed on mouseover (WEB-2746).
  • Fixed issue where ‘draft’ Targets were included in event processing generating errors (BACKEND-1936).
  • Fixed issue whereby Viewer role able to amend the Aggregation for dimension Flow (BACKEND-1827).
  • Fixed issue where user with Application Manager role unable to edit/delete groups (BACKEND-2132).
  • Fixed issue where default widget titles were not being updated on save (WEB-2967).
  • Fixed issue where the incorrect percentage values were passed to the summary widgets (BACKEND-2201).
  • Fixed issue where summary group widget displays corrupt when auto sizing to regular (WEB-2982).
  • Fixed issue where service tree widget displays corrupt when auto sizing to regular (WEB-2981).
  • Fixed issue where incorrect Target type observation widget being pinned to dashboard if the Target had been changed from one type to another (WEB-2979).
  • Fixed issue with Splunk Cloud errors being displayed on Group Administration (BACKEND-2133).
  • Fixed issue where integer settings were being posted with float values (WEB-2972).
  • Fixed issue where Data Stream ref not being displayed on modal edit form (WEB-2978).
  • Fixed issue whereby window for comparison Targets incorrect, using previous hour average instead of current hour average (BACKEND-2123).
  • Fixed issue whereby iControl default timezone not being populated from system default (BACKEND-2215).
  • Fixed issue where monPntKey not being populated in observations (BACKEND-2189).
  • Fixed issue where unable to add/edit external links of Flow ‘Links’ and Flow ‘Steps’ (WEB-3012).
  • Fixed issue where unable to delete manually added holidays from a mixed manual and calendar-based
    holidays list (WEB-3013).
System Requirements

DRYiCE iControl dependencies:

  • For iControl Splunk App - Splunk Machine Learning Toolkit v5 (for Splunk 8 and above).

iControl is a product within the emerging market sector of Operations Intelligence – Technology solutions that leverage analytics to help end-users continuously observe and manage business operations in real-time.

iControl forms part of a combined software and services solution developed by HCL DRYiCE around “Business Flow Observability” which enables its customers to observe, measure, and report on the impact of IT performance in delivering business outcomes. Today iControl is primarily used by the project teams as an implementation tool.

Business Flow Observability enables end users to observe business relevant targets on a real-time basis and take informed actions accordingly. It is used by Operations technology staff on a day-to-day basis to ensure smooth running of the critical business flows to deliver end product outcomes.

Key elements of a Business Flow Observability implementation are to:

  • Define a visual “flow” for the end-to-end business process
  • Define service-level targets to set expected performance for key points within the flow
  • Associate these targets with metric data provided from underlying monitoring
  • Calculate real-time service-level performance and capture variance from expected levels