AI-driven employee experience

HCL BigFix AEX is an AI-driven employee experience product that mimics human interaction and learns, adapts to user needs through smart conversations by leveraging enterprise-grade Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML). Users can leverage AEX to find relevant information available across different enterprise systems. AEX helps organizations move up the maturity curve and enhance user experience for employees and customers. By leveraging advanced NLP, AEX reduces human errors and increases productivity. It comes with Out-Of-Box (OTB) use case for various scenarios for quick implementation and faster time to value.

Some of the key capabilities are:

  • Enterprise-grade security
  • Flexible billing
  • Context switching
  • On-demand scalability
  • Omnichannel
  • OTB third party integrations
  • Dynamic customer provisioning
  • Configuration Management