The Digital Enterprise has exposed weakness in traditional business processes, automated or not. Those weaknesses, when not recognized, can end you on the front page of the Wall Street Journal or the Financial Times, and not for the right reasons. Companies need to respond quickly and effectively to issues as they occur, recognizing when an actual fire may start and how to prevent one.
Disjointed monitoring of the business processes results in localized intelligence which does not yield a holistic view of the as-is state to decision makers. Organizations need to move from point monitoring to a single end-to-end correlated and managed operation that ensures the business outcome is met.
The data generated from this end-to-end monitoring needs to be fed into predictive analytics models that can help organizations understand the impact within the process (up or down stream), who or what is affected now, what is likely to fail, what is the criticality, and when is the deadline so corrective action can be taken.
Hear Jose Murillo, Chief Analytics Officer at Banorte, Mexico's second largest financial group, discuss how to create a data-literate, AI-ready business. Also, hear from Ian Philips, VP iControl, DRYiCE Software on how to establish a comprehensive understanding of the process flow that can provide invaluable analytics for actionable intelligence to predict, prevent and correct potential issues.
Key Takeaways
- Trends and challenges of traditional Business Flow Monitoring
- Industry shift towards end-to-end Business Flow Monitoring
- Benefits of a joined up view across IT and the business
- Latest insights and success stories
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- Ian Philips
Vice President iControl, DRYiCE by HCL Technologies
Transforming organizations with data and business flow monitoring

- Jose A. Murillo
Chief Analytics Officer, Banorte